Dentist In San Bruno CA

Dentist In San Bruno CA

A dental emergency is any situation that requires immediate treatment in order to save a tooth or your overall health. A dental emergency can cause discomfort or pain, swelling, bleeding, etc., to teeth, gums, or mouth. Some examples of dental emergencies include a broken tooth or tooth fracture, a knocked-out tooth or tooth avulsion, an infected or abscessed tooth, a dental infection, broken braces, wires, or brackets, cracked or dislodged fillings, knocked-out crowns, lost dental prosthetics, etc. The best way to avoid a dental emergency is to maintain good oral hygiene habits. This means brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing, and using mouthwash. You should also visit the dentist twice a year for regular cleanings and checkups. However, even if you follow good oral care practices, dental accidents can happen at any time. If you experience a dental emergency, you should call Dr. Dizik immediately to schedule an appointment for experienced, compassionate care.

Visit Diana Dizik, D.D.S. General & Cosmetic Dentistry, For The Best Emergency Dental Care In San Bruno

Emergency dentists can treat a variety of problems, so if you think you may need emergency dental care, you should visit our emergency dentist in San Bruno as soon as you can. This will help our dentist determine what is causing your dental problem and how best to treat it. Depending on your condition, our dentist may provide emergency oral care, which can include the following treatments like dental extractions, root canal therapy, tooth filling, dental crown repair, dental bridge repair, dental implant surgery, etc.

We proudly serve the entire Bay Area, including San Fransisco, Daily City, San Bruno, Millbrae, Burlingame, San Mateo, San Carlos, and Redwood City. To schedule an appointment with us, call (650) 348-5424, and we will be happy to help.

Contact Us

Call today or schedule an appointment online and we will be in touch soon.

Phone: (650) 348-5424

We proudly serve the entire Bay Area including San Fransisco, Daily City, San Bruno, Millbrae, Burlingame, San Mateo, San Carlos, and Redwood City. 

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